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Fraud and risk management solution

Last updated: 25th May 2022

Our fraud and risk management solution gives you the power to control what happens to the payments you process. Each payment that has the risk set to true using our Unified Payments API will be assessed against the risk assessment rules you set in the Dashboard.

How it works

Every payment request has an authentication (known as 3DS) and authorization stage that verifies who is making the request and whether the payment can be accepted. Use our fraud solution to control what happens before and after this stage. We call these decision points pre-3DS and post-auth.

The ultimate outcome of the pre-3DS and post-auth decision points are determined by your decline list, decline rules, 3DS rules, void and flag rules. Each transaction passes through these groups, which directs it to a specific outcome. This is referred to as routing. We go into more detail when we explain how to use the solution.

Fraud dashboard

The fraud dashboard shows the journey of all transactions that went through a risk assessment. There are 7 steps in a payment lifecycle. You only configure steps 2 and 6, as the rest is determined by one of: the card issuer, the cardholder, or

  1. Incoming transactions – all new transactions start as incoming transactions.
  2. Pre-3DS – the first decision point you determine when creating your risk strategy.
  3. 3DS outcome – the outcome of 3DS authentication, including scenarios where it hasn’t been applied.
  4. Pre-auth – the decision has taken as a result of the 3DS outcome.
  5. Auth outcome – the outcome of the authorization request.
  6. Post-auth - the second decision point you determine when creating your risk strategy.
  7. Current status – the last known status of the transaction.

The data displayed on the dashboard is updated every day at midnight (UTC). You can download a report that contains a transaction-by-transaction summary of data points, rules triggered, outcomes at each stage, and whether there were fraudulent transactions.

To download a report:

  1. Select a date range.
  2. Select Generate report.
  3. Select Download.


Each stage in the payment lifecycle has several statuses associated with it.



    The transaction has not been processed. It will not continue to 3DS authentication or authorization.

    3DS check

    Your customer will have to prove their identity, such as through the use of a one-time pass code. This will reduce fraud, but also may impact your conversion rate.


    The 3DS payment has been accepted.


    Either risk assessment was not performed or could not be performed. As a result, the default decision of try exemptions has been applied.

    Where to next?

    Understand the fraud and risk management solution

    Understand how to use our fraud and risk management solution, so you control what type of payments you accept and reduce the risk of fraud.