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Last updated: 14th July 2022

Your invoices outline the total fees applied for processing your payments or payouts over a month.

You will receive invoices for each of your active entities and each invoice will be in a given holding currency. This means that for each entity you have set up with us, you will receive n number of invoices for n number of holding currencies you have set up.

All monetary values in the invoice are displayed in a single major currency unit rounded to two decimal points. For example, a total card scheme fee of $33.33333 will be displayed as $33.33 on your invoice. This makes invoices unsuitable for reconciliation.

Invoice structure

Your invoice includes the following pages:

  • A summary page showing transaction fees, account level fees, and any taxes applied for the previous month's processing.

  • Breakdown pages showing tables for calculated amounts.

Invoice summary page

The total amount due may be positive or negative or zero and you can find the bank account information needed to make a payment to settle any positive amounts. If the total amount due is negative, this will be carried over to the following month.

Invoice breakdown pages

These pages contain tables showing how the totals on the summary page are calculated. For acquiring transactions, these calculated amounts are split by payment method.

Card fees

The processing fees applied for processing card payments.


  • Interchange fees
  • Scheme and network fees
  • Acquiring premiums
  • Gateway fees
  • Blended fees

Refund fees

The card processing fees applied for processing refunds.


  • Interchange fees
  • Scheme and network fees
  • Gateway fees

Chargeback fees

The chargeback fees applied for processing chargebacks as part of the disputes process.


  • Chargeback fees

Pay to Bank fees

The number of Bank Payouts, the total value of the payouts, and the fees applied for processing Bank Payouts.


  • Pay to Bank fees
  • Payout returned fees

Other fees and adjustments

The fees and adjustments that are applied at an account level. For each of these fees, the total number applied and the total amount of fees is shown.


  • Account Updater fees (coming soon)
  • Merchant payout fees (coming soon)
  • Representment fees
  • Retrieval fees
  • Adjustments

Funds settlement

We offer both gross and net settlement. The accompanying payouts and financial actions reports by payout ID contain a detailed calculation and justification.

  • For net settlement all fees are deducted from your currency account balances on a transaction basis and your settlements will reflect this. On your invoice the total amount due will be zero.

  • For gross settlement all fees are invoiced to you for the previous month’s processing and no fees are deducted from your settlements in that period. On your invoice the total amount due may be positive or negative. When making a payment to settle your invoice, please include the invoice no. in the payment reference so we can identify the related invoice to settle.

If you opt for gross settlement, you can track the outstanding fees total intra-month using our balance reports, and view the detailed fees applied using the financial actions by date range reports.

When are invoices available?

Your invoices are delivered to you via email on the first business day after the end of your invoice period. Invoices are also made available to you via Secure File Transfer Protocol (SFTP) from 12:00:00 UTC the following day after the end of your invoice period.

For example, for an invoice period ending on Friday 31 July 2020, your invoice will be delivered to you via email on the next business day, Monday 3 August 2020. Your invoice will also be made available on Saturday 1 August 2020 by 12:00:00 UTC via SFTP.

Past invoices remain available by SFTP.

Invoice format

Invoices come in .pdf format with the file name following this template:

invoice_{Your Entity-Id}_{Currency}_{Start Date:YYYYMMDD}_{End Date:YYYYMMDD}.pdf

Tax on invoices

Invoices for entities that are based in regions where taxes are applied to fees on payments processed (for example, the goods and services tax (GST) in Australia) will have an additional column within the summary and breakdown sections showing the amount of tax applied in fees in the currency of the invoice.

If your invoice is in a different currency to your local tax currency, an exchange rate between the two currencies is provided at the end of the summary section. This exchange rate is determined by the average point-in-time exchange rate between your holding currency and tax currency for given financial actions within the invoice period.

You can find the exact amount of tax applied in your local tax currency in the Tax Currency Amount column in your financial actions report.

For entities in regions where tax is not applicable, this additional tax column is not shown.

Sample invoices

If you opted for net settlement, download this sample invoice.

If you opted for gross settlement, download this sample invoice.

If you're using Safari, hold the Option key when you select download.